STEM Articles

Want to learn more about how to get into certain STEM fields? Check out the articles below interviewing STEM professionals and dedicated Highschool students. 

Nursing Career

      One highly popular women in STEM occupations is nursing. To become a nurse one must take college prep classes during Highschool to gain a better understanding of what the program is about. Also, it would allow one to have a head start in completing the prerequisites necessary to get into a nursing program. In addition, for highschoolers it is important to conduct research on what type of nursing school you would like to attend. Keep in mind, different nursing school’s may have different prerequisites. 

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STEM Teacher Career

      There are many different types of occupations in the STEM field. One broad job is becoming a STEM related teacher. Depending on your state or country, the degree you need to become a teacher can vary. For example, in California you must obtain a Bachelor’s degree in the subject you want to teach. Having a Bachelor’s degree is the main requirement of places. However, it is likely that those with a master’s degree will earn a higher salary than people with a Bachelor’s. In addition to this, you must get relevant certification and complete a teacher education program. Teacher education programs offer different things, some can be certificates only while others offer a master’s degree. If one is interested in joining a teacher program before graduation some schools accept undergraduate status members. To become a teacher it is student teaching experience is required, this can come in forms of internships or becoming a TA. After the program and experience is complete one must pass licensing tests. However, the majority of schools require teachers to partake in continuing education and renewal of their teaching license every five years. 

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STEM Highschooler Extracurriculars

         Girls Get STEM is targeted to helping K-12 girls achieve and excel in the STEM field. Many STEM schools are competitive and challenging to get into, and it is crucial for one to have enough credentials and hands-on experience in their field. There are multiple different kinds of extracurricular opportunities one can do during high school that will boost resumes and provide an idea of what a future career will look like. For example, volunteering at a local hospital or joining the robotics team are both engaging activities that can help stimulate passion for a potential career. Other activities include internships and shadowing STEM professionals. These opportunities are less accessible, and it is important to reach out to your school staff to see if they have any connections to make this possible. 

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Software Engineer Career

         A STEM career offers the opportunity to explore various fields and specialties. One of these includes a career in software engineering. In today's world technology consumes a large part of our lives and is almost everywhere. Software engineers and software developers are not the same although they sound similar. The key difference between the two is that software engineers build software and are responsible for making sure applications are functioning, while software developers focus more on discussing what the client wants and designing it working more on the front or back end of the system.

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